University of Guyana (UG)

Guyana, Charlotte Street , PO Box 10-1110 Turkeyen

Founded and acquired present status 1963.

Funding: Public
Grades 2
Languages 1
Divisions 9
  • Admission details: Three subjects at the GCE Advanced Level plus two subjects at CXC General Proficiency/GCE Ordinary Level or two subjects at the GCE Advanced Level plus three subject at the CXC/CSEC General Proficiency/ GCE Ordinary Level in both case English and in some case Mathematics must be among the subjects obtained. A minimum of five CXC/CSEC General Proficiency (Grades I, II or III)/ five passes at GCE 'O' Level at ONE sitting, including English Language, the subject(s) required for the pursuit of the major, where applicable, and Mathematics for designated programmes. Or a minimum of 6 CXC/CSEC General Proficiency( Grades I, II or III)/ six passes at the GCE 'O' Level AT NOT MORE THAN TWO SITTINGS, including English Language, the subject(s) required for the pursuit of the major, where applicable, and Mathematics for designated programmes.

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