Ternopіl’s’kij Nacіonal’nij Tehnіčnij Unіversitet іmenі Іvana Puljuja (TSTU)

Ukraine, Ternopil , ul. Ruska 56

Founded 1960 as Ternopil Instrument Making Institute, reorganized 1964 as Ternopil Branch of Lviv Polytechnical Institute, named after Ivan Pul'uj 1995, acquired present status and title 1996.

Funding: Public
Accreditation: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Grades 5
Languages 2
Divisions 10
Tuition fee per annum
Local currency: UAH
  • Admission details: Competitive entrance examination following secondary school certificate (Atestat zrelosti) or professional experience
Your currency: USD

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