University of Santiago de Chile (USaCh)

Chile, Santiago , Avenida Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 3363 Estación Central

The University's roots go back to the founding of the School of Arts and Trades in 1849 and the Schools of Mining in Copiapó, La Serena and Antofagasta. Later, Industrial Schools were founded in Southern cities and all these institutions became branches of the Universidad Técnica del Estado (State Technical University), founded in 1947. Acquired present title in 1981. An autonomous institution financed by the State.

Funding: Public
Accreditation: National Accreditation Commission (CNA)
Grades 3
Languages 1
Divisions 8
Tuition fee per annum
Local currency: CLP
  • Admission details: Secondary school certificate (Licencia de Educación Media) and national entrance examination (Prueba de selección universitaria (PSU))
Your currency: USD

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