University of Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC)
Founded 1964, incorporating existing Faculties, acquired present status and title 1993. A communitary non Governmental Institution administered by the Santa Cruz do Sul Pro-Instruction Association.
Grades 5
Professional degree,
Master's Degree,
Doctor's Degree,
Bachelor's Degree,
Associate Degree
or equivalent
Languages 1
Divisions 25
- Accountancy Department/DivisionFields of study: Accountancy
- Administrative Sciences Department/DivisionFields of study: Administration
- Computer Science Department/DivisionFields of study: Computer Science
- Economics Department/Division
- Education Department/DivisionFields of study: Education
- Engineering, Architecture and Agrarian Sciences Department/Division
- Human Sciences Department/Division
- Law Department/DivisionFields of study: Law
- Liberal Arts Department/Division
- Mathematics Department/DivisionFields of study: Mathematics
- Physical Education and Health Sciences Department/Division
- Psychology Department/DivisionFields of study: Psychology
- Social Communication Department/Division
- Accountancy Research DivisionFields of study: Accountancy
- Administration Research DivisionFields of study: Business Administration
- Archaeology Research DivisionFields of study: Archaeology
- Economics Research DivisionFields of study: Economics
- Innovation and Technology Transfer Research DivisionFields of study: Technology
- Law Research DivisionFields of study: Law
- Linguistics and Literature Research Division
- Regional Development Research DivisionFields of study: Development Studies
- Admission details: Competitive entrance examination