University of East Sarajevo
Agencija za razvoj visokog obrazovanja i osiguranje kvaliteta Bosne i Hercegovina
Grades 3
Divisions 18
- Law FacultyFields of study: Law
- Fine Arts AcademyFields of study: Fine Arts
- Music AcademyFields of study: Music
- Theology AcademyFields of study: Theology
- Agriculture FacultyFields of study: Agriculture
- Business and Economics Faculty
- Dental Medicine FacultyFields of study: Dentistry
- Economics FacultyFields of study: Economics
- Education FacultyFields of study: Education
- Electrical Engineering FacultyFields of study: Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering FacultyFields of study: Mechanical Engineering
- Medicine FacultyFields of study: Medicine
- Orthodox Theology Faculty
- Philosophy FacultyFields of study: Philosophy
- Physical Education and Sports Faculty
- Production and Management Faculty
- Technology FacultyFields of study: Technology
- Transport and Traffic Engineering Faculty