VetAgro Sup School
Founded 2010 following merger of the École nationale vétérinaire de Lyon, the École nationale d'ingénieurs des travaux agricoles de Clermont-Ferrand and the École nationale des services vétérinaires. Veterinary campus founded 1762.
Grades 5
Professional degree,
Postgraduate Diploma,
Master's Degree,
Doctor's Degree,
Bachelor's Degree
or equivalent
Languages 1
Divisions 3
- Agronomy CampusFields of study: Rural Planning, Agricultural Engineering, Food Science, Nutrition, Environmental Studies, Biology
- Veterinary Medicine Campus
- Veterinary Services SchoolFields of study: Veterinary Science
- Admission details: Competitive entrance examination following 2-3 years further study after secondary school certificate (baccalauréat) or following first university qualification (DEUG, DUT or BTS), or equivalent