Central University of Ecuador
Founded 1586 as Universidad de San Fulgencio and 1622 as Universidad de San Gregorio Magno. Replaced 1786 under Don Carlos III by Real y Pontificia Universidad de Santo Tomás de Aquino. Title changed to Universidad Central 1897. Granted autonomy 1925. Financed by the State.
Grades 3
Languages 1
Divisions 15
- Agriculture Faculty
- Psychology Faculty
- Administration Faculty
- Architecture and Town Planning Faculty
- Arts FacultyFields of study: Ceramic Art, Sculpture, Photography, Painting and Drawing, Art History, Theatre, Fine Arts
- Chemistry FacultyFields of study: Chemistry
- Dentistry FacultyFields of study: Dentistry
- Economics Faculty
- Engineering, Physics and Mathematics Faculty
- Geology, Mining, Petroleum and Environmental Engineering FacultyFields of study: Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Mining Engineering, Geology, Environmental Engineering
- Law, Political and Social Sciences Faculty
- Medicine Faculty
- Philosophy, Letters and Education FacultyFields of study: Linguistics, Teacher Training, Modern Languages, Philosophy, Physical Education, Literature, Social Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, Mathematics, Business Administration
- Social Communication FacultyFields of study: Communication Studies
- Veterinary Science Faculty
- Admission details: Secondary school certificate (bachillerato) or equivalent