Bіlocerkіvs’kij Nacіonal’nij Agrarnij Unіversitet (BTSAU)
Founded 1750 as a Collegium. Became Technical School 1920 and Agricultural Institute 1929. Reorganized several times, and acquired present status and title 1995.
Ministry of Agarian Policy of Ukraine
Grades 3
Languages 2
Divisions 8
- Physical Education Department/Division
- Agro-Biotechnology FacultyFields of study: Plant and Crop Protection, Crop Production, Applied Chemistry, Horticulture, Botany, Forestry, Physiology, Geology, Agricultural Engineering, Agriculture
- Biotechnology Faculty
- Ecology FacultyFields of study: Ecology
- Economics FacultyFields of study: International Relations, Banking, International Business, Physics, Finance, Information Technology, Computer Science, Economics, Management
- Law and Linguistics FacultyFields of study: Public Law, Philology, Translation and Interpretation, German, Linguistics, Pedagogy, Modern Languages, History, Law, English
- Veterinary Science Faculty
- Postgraduate Studies InstituteFields of study: Veterinary Science
Tuition fee per annum
Local currency: UAH
UAH900.00 – UAH1,350.00
- Admission details: Secondary school certificate (Atestat zrelosti)
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