Rjazan State University of Agrotechnology named after P.A. Kostyčev
Created 1949 as Rjazanskij Sel'skohozjajstvennyj Institut im. P.A. Kostyčeva (Rjazan Agricultural Institute named after P.A. Kostyčev. Become Rjazanskaja Gosudarstvennaja Sel'skohozjajstvennaja Akademija im. P.A. Kostyčeva (Rjazan State Academy of Agriculture named after P.A. Kostyčev) in 1995. Acquired current title 2008.
Grades 3
Divisions 7
- Agriculture and Ecology Faculty
- Economics Faculty
- Engineering Faculty
- Finance Faculty
- Road Transport FacultyFields of study: Transport Engineering
- Technology FacultyFields of study: Food Technology
- Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology Faculty